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Student Dress Code

Dove Creek Middle School



Dress Like a K.N.I.G.H.T.

All students are expected to observe a standard of grooming and dress consistent with our mission of being a DCMS Knight.  This dress code is designed to enhance safety for all and to minimize distractions from the learning environment.

  • Tops and shirts must be long enough to cover your shoulders, chest, stomach, back, and undergarments.  These garments must be long enough to provide such covering whether seated, standing, or in motion.

  • Pants, shorts, skirts, and dresses must be long enough to be seen and should cover your bottom, upper thigh, and undergarments whether seated, standing, or in motion.

  • Students should not wear pajamas to school.

  • Clothing should display only appropriate words and pictures.

  • Hats and other head coverings should not be worn except for medical purposes or religious observances.

  • Clothing should not distract from teaching and learning.


Students will be expected to follow the dress code while on campus. If a student is dressed in a way that does not support our mission of education, he or she will be asked to correct the situation.  Refusal to do so will be considered insubordinate or defiant behavior and subject to the appropriate disciplinary action.