Media Center
DCMS Media Specialist
Mrs. Kim Hardwick
School Phone: 706.310.2017
Degrees and Certifications:
M.Ed. in Learning, Design, and Technology, University of Georgia
Ed.S. in Instructional Technology with School Library Media, University of West Georgia
Media Specialist P-12 Certification
Instructional Technology Certification
Middle Grades Language Arts Certification
Middle Grades Social Science Certification
Gifted Certification
Welcome to the DCMS Media Center!
Our DCMS Media Center is located in the center of the Learning Commons and open daily at 8:00. Students are welcome to come in any time during the school day to check out books, use the resources, or work on assignments.
Please use the links below to navigate to Destiny Discover catalog, Galileo online research library, and other helpful resources.
I look forward to seeing you soon!
Happy Reading and Go Knights!
Mrs. Hardwick
Helpful Links
Click here to search the DCMS Media Center catalog. Login in to see your checkouts or put books on hold.
Click here to search Galileo, Georgia's virtual library. Find the password for GALILEO on the DCMS Media Center Canvas page or visit the Learning Commons.
Need to know the Lexile for a book? Click here to find it out.
Looking for your next book to read? Type in the names of your three favorite authors and get recommendations.
Helpful tools that allows you to create properly formatted citations.